Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Positive Benefits From Negative Experiences

It may come as a surprise to learn that the word “problem” does not appear in the King James Version of the Bible. It only appears three times each in the New American Standard Version and New International Version, all in the book of Daniel. God does not view tragedies, hurts, losses and conflict as problems. He calls them trials, tests, temptations, afflictions, tribulations and sufferings. He, instead, views them as opportunities to experience at least twelve positive benefits.

1. Growth in personal character. What character quality is this building in me? (James 1:1-3). God is more concerned that we develop Christ like character than just fixing problems. This is the practical process of the doctrine of progressive sanctification.

2. Gain insights in His Word. What insights am I learning from His Word as I go through this? (Ps. 119:71)

3. Deepen your understanding of God’s ways. What ways of God am I learning? (Prov. 14:12; Isaiah 55:8-9)

4. Deepen your relationship with Him personally. How is this deepening my relationship with God? (Phil. 3:10) Knowing about God is good and important. But knowing God personally is better. There is nothing that deepens that personal experience with Him more than to experience suffering with Him. The fellowship of suffering with Him is second to none.

5. Illustrate to others how to respond to pain and loss. Who is going to benefit from my godly response? (2 Cor. 1:6; Phil. 1:12-14)

6. Glorify Him. How am I glorifying God through this? (John 9:3; 11:4)

7. Correct wrong behavior. What am I doing that is not pleasing to God? (I Cor. 11:30-32; Heb. 12:3-13; Ps. 119:67, 71).

8. Prevent pride. What are my areas of struggle with pride?(2 Cor. 12:7)

9. Learn obedience. What lessons do I have to keep learning? (Heb. 5:8)

10. Purify your faith. What areas of my life can I not trust God? (I Peter 1:6-7; 2 Chron. 16:9; 2 Cor. 1:3)

11. Reduce dependence on people, places or things. What am I depending on in the place of God? (Phil. 4:19; Judges 7:2)

12. Prepare you to help others. Who does God want me to help? (2 Cor. 1:4)

Many “problems” are not going to be “solved” this side of Heaven, but these benefits can be yours through faith and obedience to Christ.

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