I ran across this today and wanted to share it with you...
Life Out Who You Are
by Dr. Bill Gillham
If you are saved, but believe that you are half evil and half good, you will live a confused, roller coaster life on this planet, tossed about on the horns of whatever temptation seems to be your besetting sin. Continue to live like this and you will ultimately swallow the lie that you are actually not half evil and half good but, are more like 90% evil, alas, even 100% evil and zero good, misinterpreting Romans 7:18 by stating, "No good thing dwells in me…" the man is talking about his flesh, not his soul or spirit. Listen, brother, if you get a splinter in your foot do you become a totem pole? No, you have wood "dwelling in you." Neither if you have "evil present in you" does that make you evil? Finish the verse (Romans 7:21) to find out your identity. You are the "one who wishes to do good." You’re the good guy if you are a new creation in Christ. That "evil present in you (in your body)" is the power of sin, an agent of Satan. It’s not you!
Make no mistake about it, you will "life out" whatever you believe your true identity is! Believe you are a saint who sins at times, but who hates it and you’ll be highly motivated to line up your behavior to coincide with your identity. Believe you are totally evil, and it will come as no shock to you that you commit several hundred sins a day. You will live a defeated Christian life.
Is it any wonder that I believe it to be critically important that the church discover who we are?
Learn more about Dr. Bill Gillham and Lifetime Guarantee Ministries; go to www.lifetime.org