Whatever I can do to help them retain the knowledge they have, add more and make it fun... I will
Thank You God! for kids.
Whatever I can do to help them retain the knowledge they have, add more and make it fun... I will
Thank You God! for kids.
This morning's skit (drama) at church was especially moving to me.
It was cute. It was funny. I really enjoyed it. It kept me 'hooked' all the way through. It was 'right on'.
It was about a college student come home to break the news that she had decided to drop out of college to go into 'the ministry'.
Her parents assumed all the wrong things as they were trying to guess what this important thing was that she had come home to tell them. They then [more or less] lost it to realize their daughter had decided to go into the 'ministry'
As a parent of 3 college graduates (one of which has also completed seminary) I have to say that I am so so so so dad-gummed proud that they all want to be in the 'ministry'.
May God bless them richly as they follow His call on their lives.